Green Investing – All you ever wanted to know!

Ok, so maybe you’ve never thought about it – I [guiltily] can’t say that I’ve spent too many sleepless nights pondering it – but an interesting article in Chloregy this week discusses all of the in’s and out’s of investing your money wisely – environmentally, that is.

In the article, Portfolio 21 Investments CEO Leslie Christian highlights the top ten guidelines for investing ecologically in 2010.  All-in-all, the article does highlight some thought-provoking suggestions for the environmentally “smart” investor…however, I personally believe that the ones who could benefit the most from this article are the companies themselves.  I hope all of you publicly-shared corporations are reading this blog!!  😉

Click here for the article:

Recycle your old silver & films with Kodak

We are always looking for ways to divert waste from landfills, and here’s one unique option we just found out about.  Greg Munier, Manufacture Engineer at Eastman Kodak, tells us that Kodak is now recycling “externally purchased silver, medical / movie microfiche etc. films, and manufacturing silver nitrate for sale as a service to you.”  Here is a list of the types of silver & film that they accept:

Silver flake
Silver sludge
Silver mud
Photographic sludges
Photographic scrap
Photographic silver
Sterling silver
Photographic cartridges
Photographic filters
Dore silver
Silver crystals

Medical X-Ray
Dry View
Laser film
Motion movie film
Polyester / PET
Industrial X-Ray
Transparency films
Motion picture film
Dental film
Manufactured scrap film
Post consumer film
Post manufacturing film
Photographic film

For more info, or if your material is not on the list, go to:

P.S. We also love that this is being initiated by a local business! – Kodak is in Rochester, NY, we are in Buffalo.  Way to go, Kodak!

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge


Hi there friends, and welcome to Ecossentials‘ blog!

This blog is dedicated to providing “environmentally-smart” news and tips that apply to your everyday life.  Our goal is to assist our readers in making smarter decisions, which can in turn help them to create a healthier, more livable environment for themselves, lessen their footprints on the Earth – and maybe even save a buck or two!!

One more thing:  We will try our very best to make this information intelligible and relevant to the layperson, as we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live a better life, and the resources to strive for what’s safe to say is our one, common, human goal – to create a better, more sustainable world!